Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sun, Soap, Caesar, and Sowing: Why June is the It Month for Weddings!

Every bride wants to get married in June - but why? Tradition? Sure, but what's behind the legend - where did it start? Like most long-ago traditions, the origin of the popularity of June Weddings is not clear. Or, more precisely, the line has formed to take credit for this coupling custom. Shockingly though, I think I can say with some degree of certainty that Hallmark's not behind this one. Here are a few of the most talked about driving forces:

Weather The least interesting and most obvious reason why June is a popular month for weddings is the nearly universal presence of nice weather. Of course, try telling this to a Southern hemisphere bride where June is their winter season.

An Annual Bath No, that's not a typo. In the 14th and 15th centuries, people generally took their annual bath in May, so June offered brides a relatively sweet-smelling ceremony. And since May has not been favored (marry in May, you'll surely rue the day), June it is. Hedging their bets, many brides in that time also carried flowers to mask any lingering odors - sparking another tradition (bride's bouquets).

Julius Caesar Julius Caesar reformed the old Roman calendar in his day. Well obviously Caesar wouldn't suggest getting married in March (he was assassinated on March 15 - the Ides of March), and you would think since he named the seventh month after himself, that he would be high on July Brides, but even nepotistical Caesar couldn't overcome the wedding bells trump card - June is named for Juno, the Roman goddess of women and marriage.

Farming When agricultural endeavors dominated, brides married in June (and planning to have children shortly thereafter) would still be mobile early enough in a quick pregnancy to help harvest the crops.

The tradition of June brides has sparked:
Sayings "Marry when the June roses grow, over land and sea you'll go," "Marry in June, you'll be a bride all your life,"
Books June Bride by Teresa DesJardien
Bands English indie pop group started in 1983
Movies The June Brides - Bette Davis and Robert Montgomery (1948)
Songs in Movies June Bride from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

...and a stampede on wedding venues for Saturdays in June. Whatever the true reasoning behind the tradition, it's dug in its heels and is certainly here to stay...So take your bath, make sure the sun's out, and head down the aisle!